Posts tagged with "Product Idea"

Industrial Design · 07. February 2022
Industrial design is a specialist branch of labor that relates to the action of giving mass-produced things or products an aesthetic or formal appearance. Simply said, industrial design is a creative and aesthetic career that entails the production of a product design, as well as its features and branding Industrial design also refers to a registration system that protects a product's functional and decorative qualities that arise from the design process. However, as simple as the procedure...
Product Design · 11. August 2020
Scores of ideas yet no way to bring to fruition? Follow these steps to bring your invention as a product for the market. Inventing products doesn’t necessarily have to follow a conventional method. However, if you are just wasting this idea without doing anything about it – it’s deemed worthless. Browsing through endless possibilities may help you shape it, but you remain far away from nurturing the concept. Here’s what you should do: Document the product idea Have a fabulous product...